I hate my dentist in fact I'm scared of him. I never used to have a problem with going to the dentist to get the routine check up or cleaning. But I haven't seen my dentist in a long time (before you get all grossed out, read why I haven't seen my dentist) because my parents were trying to get me braces. I didn't have a problem getting braces or anything like that it, the one thing I had a problem with was my dentist wanting to break my jaw. He wanted to break my jaw and re-align. His intentions are good, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna wear a jaw brace around my face for perfect teeth. (sorry to anyone who wears one..) I rather actually have the teeth I have now if that means breaking my jaw, not that my teeth are weird or ugly in any way, they just are the perfect straight teeth everyone has. I don't know why my dentist/orthodontist couldn't of just slapped on the braces instead of the the whole jaw step but then again I didn't go to medical school. I'm only bringing up this now because of wisdom teeth.
My wisdom teeth aren't coming in or anything but a handful of my "friends" have gotten them. (And by "friends" I mean people at my school that I talk to but don't hang out with.) This frightens me because I know that once I get my wisdom teeth I will have to go the dentist and he'll have to pull them out and yada yada yada. Going back to the dentist means bringing back up the idea of braces and well I hope you catch my drift. Point is I hope I don't get my wisdom teeth anytime soon or ever. For all I care they can stay inside my gums (or wherever it is that they are) and stay there until I die.
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