Thursday, March 31, 2011
Popular Blogs
I wish I could make my blog more popular/interesting. I guess I get quite a few hits a day from around the world (I check my stats constantly). But what I guess I'd really like is to have more followers or to asked to go to a blog conference in New York City or to be featured on Blogs of Note. Maybe one day but for now I'll be happy with what I've got. If anybody has any ideas how to make this happen, let me know!
Baby on Board
If you saw my twitter today, (which I'm assuming who is reading this hasn't) I become a mother for 24 hours on April 5th. Not a real mother of course because I'm NOT pregnant. Every grade twelve at our school gets to take care of a robot baby for 24 hours. Before this year not everyone had to have a baby some classes had to take care of an egg for a week and make sure it didn't break or you would have to take care of a fish for a week. Both of these you would have to bring it to school and where ever you went. This baby project is much like this but just in a shorter time period and probably a lot easier to mark. I think I'm going to name my baby Marty McFly from Back to the Future because it has been on for the last 3 weekends and I love that movie. So wish me luck and hopefully I'll be able to blog at least once that day about the baby and how crazy it is.
Day Nine
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
In high school theres been a few people that have drifted away. People who were once my closest friends seem like strangers. I can think of at least 4 people; Michelle, Taylor, Brogan and Krystal.
Michelle and I were friends since sixth grade and then after grade nine we just drifted apart, we werent really friends anymore. I see her sometimes and say hi or try to make conversation but it's just odd because we seem like strangers when we talk. We used to have sleepovers every weekend and walk to each others houses' and share secrets but it is all so distant now. I guess we drifted apart because we both found our own group of friends and our interests changed. Maybe one day we'll be friends again.
I used to call Taylor, Tay as a nick name and I was the only person who called her that. We too drifted apart but I know we still have each others back if anything were too happen. Taylor was one of my best friends in grade nine when I needed someone most.
Brogan has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, we used to do everything together. High school has been a bumpy road for our realtionship.There have been times where we were "attached at the hip" and times where I wouldn't talk to her for days. Everytime where we would come back together it was like we never skipped a beat. For the last year or more we've been the complete strangers to eachother. I have no idea who she is and am only now trying to work on getting back to normal with eachother. Our realtionships with our boyfriends really pulled us apart, only recently did she break up with her boyfriend and completely change herself so that she can be healthly. I'm very proud of the steps shes taking to be sober and renew herself but I still don't know who she is and I hope that it will change back to the girl that I once knew and loved.
Krystal and I are drifting apart right now, I can tell and I'm sure she can too. We don't hang out as much or even talk often, we are both eachothers rant friend you could say. Krystal and I find eachother to talk when we need someones advice most or are in trouble. I miss the days where we would hang out and call it hobbit and ginger time. I miss her lots sometimes.
In high school theres been a few people that have drifted away. People who were once my closest friends seem like strangers. I can think of at least 4 people; Michelle, Taylor, Brogan and Krystal.
Michelle and I were friends since sixth grade and then after grade nine we just drifted apart, we werent really friends anymore. I see her sometimes and say hi or try to make conversation but it's just odd because we seem like strangers when we talk. We used to have sleepovers every weekend and walk to each others houses' and share secrets but it is all so distant now. I guess we drifted apart because we both found our own group of friends and our interests changed. Maybe one day we'll be friends again.
I used to call Taylor, Tay as a nick name and I was the only person who called her that. We too drifted apart but I know we still have each others back if anything were too happen. Taylor was one of my best friends in grade nine when I needed someone most.
Brogan has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, we used to do everything together. High school has been a bumpy road for our realtionship.There have been times where we were "attached at the hip" and times where I wouldn't talk to her for days. Everytime where we would come back together it was like we never skipped a beat. For the last year or more we've been the complete strangers to eachother. I have no idea who she is and am only now trying to work on getting back to normal with eachother. Our realtionships with our boyfriends really pulled us apart, only recently did she break up with her boyfriend and completely change herself so that she can be healthly. I'm very proud of the steps shes taking to be sober and renew herself but I still don't know who she is and I hope that it will change back to the girl that I once knew and loved.
Krystal and I are drifting apart right now, I can tell and I'm sure she can too. We don't hang out as much or even talk often, we are both eachothers rant friend you could say. Krystal and I find eachother to talk when we need someones advice most or are in trouble. I miss the days where we would hang out and call it hobbit and ginger time. I miss her lots sometimes.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
In english class we're studying the novel 1984 by George Orwell. This book for me was very hard for me to read not because it was horrible but because I would lose interest at parts and then sometimes the language would throw me off. I finished reading it a week ago and honestly until we went over it in class I wasn't sure what the last page of the novel meant. Now that we're discussing it in class I actually like the book more, the idea behind it all makes complete sense too. My favorite part of the book is probably part one because it really gets you interested in the story. I didn't like part two at all, honestly I skipped over the part where he is reading from Goldstein's book. Part three was good but near the end I was getting more and more confused. Now I'm reading Brave New World for a group project, I've heard many mixed reviews from friends about it. All I know is it similar to 1984 expect for all the crazy rules. I'll let you know how I felt about the book when I'm done :)
Day Eight
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
I'm not going to lie, there has been people in my life that made it hell, who treated me like shit and didn't deserve to know me. But I'm not going to single anyone out especially on my blog, sorry readers but it is just too personal to blog about.
I'm not going to lie, there has been people in my life that made it hell, who treated me like shit and didn't deserve to know me. But I'm not going to single anyone out especially on my blog, sorry readers but it is just too personal to blog about.
Bus Stop
Today when I was driving to school, I saw the city bus drive away and then I saw some kid come around the corner running only to see that he was too late. I felt so bad for him because I knew where that bus was going and I drive right by the bus stop where it always waits for 10 minutes and he might actually been going to my school. But the fear of picking up a stranger stopped me. Honestly it is eating me up inside, because I know I could have made that kids day better and what were the chances that he would have hurt me once inside the car because he looked younger than me. I guess I'll never know how that kid got to school today.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Amanda's Bday Supper
Today is Amanda's 18th birthday. Shes my first best friend and the first girl I had a sleep over with. We went to the same elementary school until grade one then I moved and we met up again in high school. For din din we went to Tabanaki, it was delicious. They cooked the food right infront of you with flames and everything it was dinner and show. Hopefully I`ll get some pictures for the event and update this post asap, stay tuned!
Day Seven
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.
There isn't someone in my life who I feel is worth living for because I would live regardless if they were in my life or not. I have people in my life who make my life more interesting and fun but to say that they make my life worth living is a lie. My life is worth living because I love waking up everyday and living my life, because I love who I am and what I value. My friends definitely make my life exciting and I love each and everyone but I would not take my life because of them not being a part of it. I really hope this is what the question is asking.
There isn't someone in my life who I feel is worth living for because I would live regardless if they were in my life or not. I have people in my life who make my life more interesting and fun but to say that they make my life worth living is a lie. My life is worth living because I love waking up everyday and living my life, because I love who I am and what I value. My friends definitely make my life exciting and I love each and everyone but I would not take my life because of them not being a part of it. I really hope this is what the question is asking.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Just Go With It
I saw Just Go With It this past weekend and I really liked it. Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler are so cute. But I have to say that my favorite part is when Jennifer tells her kids to call taking a shit a devilen.
What in the World?

Today Brittany came dressed to work wearing what I could only assume were flood pants (sorry Britt). Then she drew these weird little pictures of people. They made me laugh.
Day Six
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
I hope I never have to kill someone for self defence or watch my children die. I think the saddest thing in the world to do as a parent would be to burry your child.
I hope I never have to kill someone for self defence or watch my children die. I think the saddest thing in the world to do as a parent would be to burry your child.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I still haven't heard the song Friday by Rebecca Black and I'm going to go as long as I can without hearing it.
In Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada it is still snowing. It's March 27th and it's still snowing and there is still over a foot of snow on the ground. Even though the groundhog said spring would come early this year I have yet to see it. It's going to be Easter break and there is still going to be snow on the ground. This is seriously the longest winter of my entire 17 years. Can someone please tell me when I can go outside again, because I'm considering hibernating until this weather is gone.
Day Five
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.
I hope to make something of myself, to find who I truely am and to be happy with myself. I hope to finish university with a degree and find a job I love. I hope I find someone to share my life with and that when I have kids, I'll be able to provide everything they need.
I hope to make something of myself, to find who I truely am and to be happy with myself. I hope to finish university with a degree and find a job I love. I hope I find someone to share my life with and that when I have kids, I'll be able to provide everything they need.
Day Four
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
I have to forgive Nick for following his dreams, even if that means moving away.
I have to forgive Nick for following his dreams, even if that means moving away.
Day Three
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
I haven't done a post in a few days because I was thinking about what I need to forgive myself for. I can't think of anything right now. All I know I need to do is stop beating myself up when I'm already sad.
I haven't done a post in a few days because I was thinking about what I need to forgive myself for. I can't think of anything right now. All I know I need to do is stop beating myself up when I'm already sad.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day Two
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
I love my honesty, commitment, loyalty, eyes, respect for others. I think these qualities make me stand out as a person.
I love my honesty, commitment, loyalty, eyes, respect for others. I think these qualities make me stand out as a person.
Time to Pretend
I'm tired of pretending to be something that I'm not: happy. I wish I could be happy but no matter what I do something brings me down. I feel like I'm not allowed to be sad and that I should just pretend to be happy because it's what everyone wants. It's not that I want to be sad in fact all I want to be is happy. I want to be happy and I want to be excited for my future. I don't think anybody understands the decisions I have to make and how hard they are, I wish I could change how I feel. I guess I'll just go on pretending that I'm happy.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Day One
Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
I hate how tiny I am, lots of the time I'm still asked if I want a kid menu and that just makes me want to hit the waiter/waitress. What bothers me the most about being short is that when I walk the hallways I'm smaller than or the same size as a grade nine. I'm a grade twelve I should be intimidating and tower over the grade nines. Sometimes my height also makes me feel incompetent as if anyone who wanted to could beat the crap out of me with one punch. I don't want to be much taller but being a 5'0 ft 17 year old is a little embarrassing. If I could I'd like to be 5'4 and that would be tall enough for me, maybe then my body will be more proportioned.
I hate how tiny I am, lots of the time I'm still asked if I want a kid menu and that just makes me want to hit the waiter/waitress. What bothers me the most about being short is that when I walk the hallways I'm smaller than or the same size as a grade nine. I'm a grade twelve I should be intimidating and tower over the grade nines. Sometimes my height also makes me feel incompetent as if anyone who wanted to could beat the crap out of me with one punch. I don't want to be much taller but being a 5'0 ft 17 year old is a little embarrassing. If I could I'd like to be 5'4 and that would be tall enough for me, maybe then my body will be more proportioned.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
High Pitched Sounds
I keep hearing high pitched frequency sounds from my TV and I want it to stop. But it only stops when I turn off the TV and I don't want to sit in lonely darkness. I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too
30 Day Truth Challenge
Honestly I found this little 30 day challenge from my new favorite blog to read The title may be lame but I couldn't think of one without copying the blog I stole it from and I'd already done a 30 day challenge. So without any further nonsense explaining here it is:
Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.
Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself
Some of them I might have done in the previous challenge..oh well
I'll start the challenge tomorrow so prepare yourself readers for regular posts for the next 30 days
Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.
Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself
Some of them I might have done in the previous challenge..oh well
I'll start the challenge tomorrow so prepare yourself readers for regular posts for the next 30 days
I don't know what it is but I feel very annoyed with the world lately. As if everyone I talk to rubs me the wrong way or just when I feel things are going to turn around, it only gets worse. I don't feel like going out because I feel this way but I feel 10x worse if I stay in by myself and do nothing. Especially if I know that I could be doing something even if I don't want to.
Money News
For the past month I've been trying my very best to save money. I actually was writing down exactly what I was spending money on in hopes of seeing where my money was going.
Between February 25-March 11, I started out with $572.81 in my account and finished those two weeks with $527.50
I actually tried my absolute best not to spend money and even while trying my best I managed to spend $70 on food. I never realized until now that I'm actually spending that much money on FAST FOOD. I also spent another $273 on other expenses. One of those being a $100 haircut and color which normally doesn't happen, I just really needed one for my grad pictures. Normally my other expenses consists of my car payment and my phone bill where together its only about $174
I did the same for the next two weeks and even though the two weeks don't end until Friday I've done so much better. Instead of $70 on food I've only spend about $40 and my expenses bill should only be $221. Whatever I did differently sure made a difference, so I'm going to document the next two weeks too and see if I can make any more improvement.
Between February 25-March 11, I started out with $572.81 in my account and finished those two weeks with $527.50
I actually tried my absolute best not to spend money and even while trying my best I managed to spend $70 on food. I never realized until now that I'm actually spending that much money on FAST FOOD. I also spent another $273 on other expenses. One of those being a $100 haircut and color which normally doesn't happen, I just really needed one for my grad pictures. Normally my other expenses consists of my car payment and my phone bill where together its only about $174
I did the same for the next two weeks and even though the two weeks don't end until Friday I've done so much better. Instead of $70 on food I've only spend about $40 and my expenses bill should only be $221. Whatever I did differently sure made a difference, so I'm going to document the next two weeks too and see if I can make any more improvement.
Disney Movie List
This is a list of the disney movies I don't have on DVD. I'm trying to replace all of my disney VHS
Mom if you read this, all of these movies would be an acceptable grad present, either that or the Pocahontas costume that we saw in Disney World.
Mom if you read this, all of these movies would be an acceptable grad present, either that or the Pocahontas costume that we saw in Disney World.
- Aladdin
- Aladdin: The Return of Jafar
- Aladdin: King of Thieves
- Cinderella
- Pocahontas: Journey to New World
- The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea
- Sleeping Beauty
- Lady and the Tramp
- Bambi
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Alice in Wonderland
- Jungle Book
- The Fox and the Hound
- Peter Pan
- The Lion King 2
- 101 Dalmatians
Monday, March 21, 2011
Disappointing Chemistry
Even though I love chemistry and am trying to pursue a career in that direction, I managed to get a solid 50.00% on the unit exam on Friday. It's the lowest mark on the exam but strangely enough I'm proud of myself because I didn't bitch or complain to the teacher about the test being too hard like many of my classmates. So it wouldn't come to surprise me that the people that complained about the test being too hard also complained about their grade of 95% not to be good enough. I'll just have to better next exam time, its just so hard to focus in a class full of things/people to laugh at
Tweet With Me
If you like my blog and have a twitter account, I think you should follow me Aylagator. I generally follow people back and I tend to tweet about the things I blog about. Thanks!
Fear of the Dentist
I hate my dentist in fact I'm scared of him. I never used to have a problem with going to the dentist to get the routine check up or cleaning. But I haven't seen my dentist in a long time (before you get all grossed out, read why I haven't seen my dentist) because my parents were trying to get me braces. I didn't have a problem getting braces or anything like that it, the one thing I had a problem with was my dentist wanting to break my jaw. He wanted to break my jaw and re-align. His intentions are good, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna wear a jaw brace around my face for perfect teeth. (sorry to anyone who wears one..) I rather actually have the teeth I have now if that means breaking my jaw, not that my teeth are weird or ugly in any way, they just are the perfect straight teeth everyone has. I don't know why my dentist/orthodontist couldn't of just slapped on the braces instead of the the whole jaw step but then again I didn't go to medical school. I'm only bringing up this now because of wisdom teeth.
My wisdom teeth aren't coming in or anything but a handful of my "friends" have gotten them. (And by "friends" I mean people at my school that I talk to but don't hang out with.) This frightens me because I know that once I get my wisdom teeth I will have to go the dentist and he'll have to pull them out and yada yada yada. Going back to the dentist means bringing back up the idea of braces and well I hope you catch my drift. Point is I hope I don't get my wisdom teeth anytime soon or ever. For all I care they can stay inside my gums (or wherever it is that they are) and stay there until I die.
My wisdom teeth aren't coming in or anything but a handful of my "friends" have gotten them. (And by "friends" I mean people at my school that I talk to but don't hang out with.) This frightens me because I know that once I get my wisdom teeth I will have to go the dentist and he'll have to pull them out and yada yada yada. Going back to the dentist means bringing back up the idea of braces and well I hope you catch my drift. Point is I hope I don't get my wisdom teeth anytime soon or ever. For all I care they can stay inside my gums (or wherever it is that they are) and stay there until I die.
These are the things I'm counting down to:
- 7 days until I have to finish reading 1984 (not that I'm excited, I just need to finish it)
- 10 days until one of my scholarships is due
- 45 days until my AP english exam
- 50 days unitl academic advising at the university
- 51 days until my 18th birthday!
- 96 days until graduation
- 99 days until Nick leaves for France for two weeks :(
- 113 days until Katy Perry concert
Template Design
I wish I knew how to make my blog more attractive looking. By this I mean not using a regular template and actually designing my own unique one. If someone could teach me that would be great but this will do for now..
Get Lost Winter
I'm SO tired of snow. First day of spring was yesterday but here in good ol' Saskatchewan, Canada we got snow instead of sunshine. I'm seriosuly beginning to think that June will come and there will still be snow on the ground. Oh and as of right now there is a winter storm warning for the city of Regina. I'm literally at a loss of words right now for how much this weather angers me.
as cool as this is to have a moose at the legislative building
I would much rather see this.
Dear spring, hurry the fuck up
Dear spring, hurry the fuck up
Sincerly, Aylagator
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Disney Night
I'm missing Disney World really bad tonight. Everyone was so happy and full of smiles and there was no snow in sight. Everyday there was a dream come true. Because I miss Disney World so much I'm watching as many Disney movies as I can tonight. I already watched Mulan tonight and I'm just starting The Little Mermaid. Walt Disney is truly brilliant there's so much a kid can learn from these movies and maybe that is what the world is missing. I only hope that my (future) kids will love Disney as much as I do.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
New Generations
What is wrong with the world today, I just heard an 11 year old kid say they wanted to watch Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore is not a show for 11 year olds its about having sex and being drunk. When I was 11 I don`t think my TV station ever left the family or disney channel. Someone needs to take a stand and change this. I won't live in a world where Jersey Shore has replaced the "education" of young kids.
I love donating, its makes me feel like I'm actually contributing and making a difference in the world. Today I donated to the Diabetes Association and yesterday I donated some money for MS. I know its not very much I put in each box but every donation counts and it makes me feel good. Right now in Regina one of radio stations called Z99 does an annual radiothon every year for the Hospitals of Regina Foundation and I really want to donate money to that cause too. The one thing I wish I could donate more than anything is blood. I don't know what blood type I am or anything but I think it's one of the most important things a person should donate. I can't donate blood because I don't weigh enough. How sad is that? You have to 110lbs and I'm shy by at least 10lbs, I'm not anorexic or anything I'm just a small 17 year old. So to anyone who is reading this, STOP and go donate some blood because it's in you to give. For more information on Z99 Radiothon, You have until the end of March 18th to donate
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Best Buddies at the Science Center
Today was such a busy day for me, I spent all day hanging out with Brittany. Today was a half day and after school we went to the science center with our buddy and after Best Buddies it was straight to work. Here`s a picture of us!
Panda Poster

I look at this poster everyday in christian ethics while my teacher is praying for 20 minutes or going on about nothing. I love panda's and this makes me laugh and I've been wanting to blog about this for days .I just kept forgetting to take a picture until the other day. It's the best way to remember when to use than/then hint I've ever seen
Grad Photos
Remember how worried I was about my grad pictures? Well I got them in and they look great, I kinda forget why I was so worried because I'm beautiful! There is 7 other pictures but these are my favorite and are the only ones worth blogging about. The only thing I wish I would have done differently is getting a picture with Nick because everyone else who has a serious boyfriend or girlfriend got one. Even people who have only been together maybe 3 months, kinda makes me feel stupid. Instead I'll settle for Wal-Mart pictures, I just want to capture the moments with Nick that really matter before it's too late.
You know what I can't stand? People who pretend to understand the whole story and judge based on the little gossip they hear. Because all your going to do is anger the person who actually knows the whole story so do the world a favor and shut up. You have no right sticking your nose in business that isn't yours. If I wanted your opinion I would have asked.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Unlucky Me
For once in my life I'd like to be the girl that gets what she wants. Everything I've ever received is because of hard work and dedication, not that its a bad thing I just wish things would come easy. High school is ending soon and I'm so excited but the uncertainty of my relationship with my boyfriend of two years is putting a damper on my excitement. I love him so much but I have no idea if he'll still be here in four months. Its hard to enjoy yourself when you're so worried about the future. Its especially hard now because I'm trying to view my future and I have no idea whether he'll be in it or not. I don't want to be the girl that can't live without a boyfriend, but he is so much more than a boyfriend to me, he's also my best friend and I don't want to lose him. To lose him so suddenly is going to kill me, I don't want to pick myself back up again. I'm so lost, I don't know what to do. This is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to face.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Revisiting Goals
A month ago I posted this as my goals for the next 30 days. I'll show you what I've actually accomplished
I think I did pretty good.
I think I did pretty good.
buy another season of Seinfeld
get a haircut
save money- join a gym
apply for scholarshipsfind something to wear for grad pictures- download new maps for Black Ops
- keep up in Chemistry
apply to U of R- get a second job
- recycle old cell phones
- keep my room clean (as if that'll happen)
stop eating McDonalds (as much)
- have fun
Enrique Iglesias
When I was in grade nine I used to love him and these were my two favorite songs of his
Busy Bee
Sorry readers I havn't been posting as much I've been pretty busy this weekend. I was working on a scholarship application that is due on Tuesday all of yesterday. Friday I hung out with some friends and then came home and spent time with Nick. Today I'm catching up on 3 assignments in Chem that I'm behind on and attempting to finish part 2 of 1984. Wish me luck.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I Can't Wait
Lately all I've been doing is lurking on the U of R website and trying to find more information. I'm so excited to start in the fall, I can't wait to pick out my classes and see what life is like beyond high school. In the past week I've probably been on the site for about at least 2 hours doing nothing really just looking through the site and what ever! I feel like such a newb looking at all this but I seriously cannot wait to start university! I'm the FIRST in my family to go, maybe that's why I'm so excited, point is I'm ready for high school to be done!!!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
March To Do List
- Finish scholarship application due on the 15th
- Apply for jobs
- Pay my parents for phone/car
- Save money
- Apply to another scholarship due at end of month
- Take recycling in for cash
- Recycle old cell phones
- Try to clean room/car
- Buy after grad ticket
- Find some grad shoes
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
University of Regina
I got my conditional acceptance to the University of Regina today! This isn't really that exciting because anyone with a 65% average can get it, but I'm just happy to know that I'm one step closer to a new life. I'm going through the federated college of Campion and I'm going to be studying biology and I can't wait to get started.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Girls Night!
I had a girls night for the first time in a very long time. It was really nice to have a few drinks and hang out with some girls! Also there's some judgement pictures to Mariah on here, I only took them because she was wearing her bandanna like an idiot.
Chem Class
Rather than actually be productive in chemistry, Amanda and I stack all our pens, highlighters, and whatnot. Only to have them knocked over seconds later by Andrew.
Summer Come Sooner
I miss summer. I literally cannot wait until all this stupid snow melts and I don't have to plug my car in. For all you non-Canadians who read this, we have to plug in our cars in the winter because they don't start in -46C weather and yes it actually get that cold here. I want to be able to drive away in the morning without starting my car early to let it warm up, I want to be able not to wear a jacket and I miss summer the most right now because you could actually have fun without spending money. In the winter you can't go outside just to hang out, you've got to rent movies/ go drinking/ go place to eat and yada yada yada. So summer if you could do us all a little favor and come on faster because I'm freezing up here in Canada.
Friday, March 4, 2011
McDonalds Free
If anyone cares I've been McDonalds clean since January 30th. That's the longest since I've gotten my licence, I'm so proud of myself
Job Searching..
I have a feeling that right now at the call center I work at will be going through a slow period. Meaning lack of shifts, I only feel this because I signed up for 4 shifts and only got 3 and we're starting at 5:30 rather than 5. So if anyone knows of any where hiring in the Regina area that'd be great. Available weekends and Fridays
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
February 29th
I'm really glad that I wasn't born on February 29th because you'd only really get to celebrate your birthday once every 4 years. I guess that would make it more special, but then you don't have a reason to get really shitfaced at least once a year.
*no offence to anyone who reads this, that thinks I'm hatin' on Feb. 29th, I'm just happy that I see my actual birthday on the calendar every year.*
*no offence to anyone who reads this, that thinks I'm hatin' on Feb. 29th, I'm just happy that I see my actual birthday on the calendar every year.*
I'm Just Sayin'
I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful but at my high school there is literally no parking for students anywhere. There is ONE student parking lot that only hold about 100 parking spots for students. Then we have about 45 parking spots on the street beside our school. So our school has about 145 parking spots for students on a good day and that's probably even pushing it. We have at least 450+ kids who go to our school where about 75% drive. Where do they expect us to park? Last year we had the luxury of parking at Co-op but that was revoked this year since they were doing renovations. We also have Arbys across from our school but that closed down in the summer, so students have been parking there. I would guess 50+ kids are parked there right now and they are putting this letter on everyone's windshield. (as seen above). I'm sorry but I don't think you can tow that many people and it not like you're running a business there. If you were I understand why you'd be upset but you're not so why can't you let us park there? Also this is actually the first warning we have received, before this I never got a paper on my windshield saying that I'm parking without permission. I guess if this nonsense continues I'm either going to have to start parking on the street again (which I hate) or I'm going to have search for neighbour hoods within decent walking distance to the school to park in. I'm just sayin' but this is getting ridiculous, can someone step up and say/do something?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Bad Dream.
Last night I had the most horrible strange dream. At first I was in this bad horror film where my "family" was dying because houses were collapsing. Then it transformed into hiding from certain people which lead to the end where I was in the Holocaust. They put Brittany, Nick and I all onto this train and were handcuffed to the seats. Once we got there it was really nice, but it all went downhill after a girl asked me if I wanted raisins in my oatmeal because I said "pardon" cause I couldn't hear. Then they called everyone to go to the center garden and to line up in a circle in 3's so they could go around and shoot us. That's when I woke up. This description is probably less horrible than it seems. But how can you describe a dream without sounding crazy?
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