If you were to live a day in my life I'm sure you would ask "how do you do it?" Not because my life is unrealistically hard but because your not sure how I'm not crazy.
I feel like living my house sometimes is like survival of the fitest. If there is any food in the house that you love (froot loops, home made buns, pineapple, etc.) you have got to literally FIGHT to eat it. My dad bought a jumbo family size box of froot loops two days ago and it's already half empty or less and I've only had 3 bowls. I love my family, I really do somedays it's just harder than others. I just wonder does anybody else have these same problems? Like the 2 hour wait for the shower not because someone is in it but because you're waiting for hot water. Or the constant empty toilet paper roll with a new toilet paper roll on the counter not on the holder (is it seriosuly that hard to change it?).
I think if I were ever to move out the only person that I could actually stand being my room mate would be
Brittany. She always changes the toilet paper roll and is considerate of others. Brittany cleans up after herself, I could rely on her to pay rent and I don't think she would push me to the ledge of insanity. (Sorry to any other friends of mine who read this, it's not that I don't want to be room mates but I just haven't considered you).
I just needed to rant, thanks for reading.