Monday, April 25, 2011

Falling Behind

I've been having a hard time keeping up with my blog posts. Its not that I don't have the time, I'm just finding it hard to blog because I have nothing interesting to blog about. So I'll let you know what is happening:
Its been a week since my break up with my boyfriend of two years, so I'm hurting and finding it hard to blog happy things. And most of my friends have left for Europe and arent back for another week, which is mostly hard because one of the girls who is gone has been helping me feel better. Meanwhile there are no shifts at my telemarketing job and making it very difficult to spend money and have fun. I'm really trying my best to blog and be happy but it's hard. So avid readers, I apologize for lack of blogging and I'm sincerely working and on being better. Give me some time and I'm sure when I do blog again it'll be a good one.
Sincerely Aylagator <3

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Break

We finally have a break off school from today until May 2nd. The only thing that sucks is a lot of my friends have gone away to Europe until May 1st. Some of them are still here but it`s really not the same if not everyone is here. So this will be the loneliest and most boring break I`ve had in a long time.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Most high school kids today are getting high right now and spent 4:20 pm smoking a joint. I spent my afternoon sitting in a doctors office waiting for my family to get their eyes looked at (I had mine looked at too, but it didn't take long). My mom purposely booked an eye appointment today because last year on 4/20 I went and did what most high school kids were doing and when I came home my mom asked me if I had smoked pot today and I replied "did you smoke pot today?" Needless to say she wasn't very happy with me and my decisions. But I decided that even if I wasn't at an eye appointment I wouldn't have done it anyway, I get way too anxious and now I have friends who don't smoke pot,

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day Twenty Five

Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today

Today I'm still alive because of my great friends, who never let me down and have always been there for me. And maybe I'm still alive because I have a purpose on this world or whatever.

Mama Mia

Remember those posts about me being a mother for 24 hours with LaFonda. Well here she is!


I was looking at and I saw that Stars was coming to Edmonton on May 11th. I got super excited because it's my birthday and I would definitely drive from little Regina to go see them. But then I looked closer and realized that it was last May. Lets just say I was thoroughly disappointed

Party Hardy

I had a great time last night, unfortunately my stomach thought otherwise when I woke up but overall I had a blast. My tweets were also fucked
  • Oppps, me druunkk.
  • @gumbygirl412 I neverr make barfy
  • I love brittsny
  • @gumbygirl412 you're not justin bieber! lolololoolol
  • I feel better drink now cuz everyone else iS rtoo
  • The club can't v
  • @TheJediWay that's right fuck him
  • Beer pong fucking blows cocks, I suck
  • @disneychickk fuck yeah:hhh!
  • @mariahzelada you missed me and @amandakeo wedding!
  • @gumbygirl412 lol with @amandakeo wuth ring pop. Lol
  • Getting folloers for hatin on justin bieber #win!! #fuckyea
  • Secret booze from adam #win
  • Whips and chains excite me @rihanna
  • Baaaaaaaaazubgggga
  • @TheAlSkal ope
  • @gumbygril412 cody the only sober perso
  • Fuck I'm fuckrd
  • I can't reasd thudb tegatdles sof wjat size this is
  • L  0  h
  • Jejp me
  • Y do I mask nidsense
  • @TheAlSkal yUp!
  • Ypu know it was a good night when you throw up

    fiy: gumbygirl is my mom, disneychickk, thealskal, amandakeo and mariahzelada are all my friends. I feel bad for those of you who saw me last night, I was the exact description of a mess

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Merry April

Yes it actually snowed here in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada on April 15th 2011.Trying to drive through this last night was hell. I've had enough with snow, bring on the SUN!

Day Twenty Four

Day 24Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs.

I really don't want to do this...but if I were going to it would a playlist to Mariah and they would all be 80 rock songs and scream-o bands because thats the music that reminds me of her.

Missing Myself

Please make me feel better, I'm miserable and sad. I'm blogging about it because I don't know who to tell, who can fix it and help me. Deep down I know I can only help myself to feel better by making a very hard decision. I'm scared and I hate who I've become. I'm not myself and I haven't been for a long time. I miss being happy, I miss the good old Ayla. I miss love, hope and joy. I'm doubting myself and everything I know, I don't believe in myself or anything. I don't know who I am, I miss my life.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day Twenty Three

Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.

I wish I would take more chances instead of being so laid back and let life pass me by

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Phunk With My Heart

I've been a real rut lately, so down and sad. I'm looking forward to the weekend to spend time with my friends which is very much needed. I can't remember the last weekend I went out and had fun. I'm in a battle with myself between my mind and my heart. I know what I have to do, I just can't bring myself to do it.

Day Twenty Two

Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life

I try not to regret anything, so I don't have anything I wish I hadn't done because everything happens for a reason. I know it sounds so cliche but its really how I feel.

Day Twenty One

Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

Hope and Pray that they aren't hurt so I can apologize, if they are I want to be at the hospital with them.

Busy Week

I feel like I've had a pretty busy week. Monday I had the chance to work the only shift avaliable thanks to my good friend @TheAlSkal. Tuesday night I spent struggling to finish a giant english project on Brave New World,  @mariahzelada and I worked from about 7 to 10pm finishing everything. We made fake little baby embroys and drew an incubator on poster board and got marshmallows for the soma. Wednesday we presented our group project and then slept from 2pm to 6pm. Its only Thursday today and even though I have nothing planned I still feel like I did a lot this week. Oh and my Grandpas birthday is tomorrow and my Dads and Grandmas birthday is on Sunday. I guess I've got to go buy cards/presents with the little cash I have.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day Twenty

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.

I like to do these challenges but it seems that they might be over lapping since I already blogged about it once before: Drugs and Alcohol

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day Nineteen

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

I actually did a post previously on a 30 day challenge about Religion
but I haven't done anything about politics.

I think it's important to vote and to know who is going to or is running your country. This year in Canada we're having a federal election on May 2nd and I
miss it by 9 days and I really wish I could vote. I think if you don't vote then you shouldn't complain about how the country is being governed because you had your chance to make a difference. For those countries that don't have a democracy I wish they did becauseI feel that every adult should voice their opinon about their life.

Day Eighteen

Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.

Go for it.
I've got nothing against gays or anything and I think they have just as much a right to marry who they love as a straight person does.

Day Seventeen

Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.

I don't think there has been a book that has changed how I view something. There has been books that made me think about life and the society we live in like the book 1984 and Brave New World.


I signed up for a tumblr when I first started this blog and yesterday one of my friends found it and told me my profile said "updated 41 years ago". How is that even possible, I was born in 1993 and I signed up for this maybe one year ago. I only signed up because I couldn't decide whether to blog on blogspot or tumblr. Now I use it to follow my friends that have tumblr blogs and I could start blogging on there. But I can't make my tumblr posts come on my blogspot blog even though I can do it vice versa. So if you're interested in lurking it.  theres not much on there but go look if you want.

The Five Ghosts

I bought their album on Sunday, I'm not sure if I really like it yet. My favorite album of theirs is Set Yourself on Fire. But I'm really glad I bought it, even though I don't have the cash to spend.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Running Behind

Sorry to any readers I know I've been behind in blogging, I'm just going through some difficult changes and re-evaluating what I want. I'll try and post more, but I make no promises. Thanks for reading
Sincerely Aylagator

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day Sixteen

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.

I think I could live without my social media sites and this blog, yea I'll admit I'm pretty addicted to them but I could do it. And I think I could go the rest of my life never being drunk again (if I had to..)

Day Fifteen

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

I don't think I could live without my Mom. Honestly last year when she was in Toronto for a month It was the worst 30 days ever. I missed her everyday and not to mention the fact that I was playing the role of the mother while she was gone. I don't know how she does it sometimes, to clean everything and to make supper and to make sure that every one gets to school on time is exhausting. It was almost worse for me because I had to go to school and go to my TWO part time jobs and then to come home. I love my Mom and I don't think I could live without her.


Incase you missed my two other posts, I was a mother for 24 hours yesterday. It was good minus crazy car ride and the night where it woke up at 2am, 3:30am and 5am and then again at 7:30am. Lets just say I don't want to be a mother any time soon and I am very thankful that today is a half day and the forecast for this weekend is sunny with some drunk evenings.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Worst Car Ride Ever

I'm keeping my promise to update you on baby and me. Well from about 7 to 10 the baby slept and then all hell broke lose. My sister had some friends over and I had my friend Mariah over at about 930 they left and one of my sisters friends took Mariah's jacket by mistake which had her keys in it. How can a grade nine mistake a leather jacket that is 18+ size to fit a 17 year old to be her own, I'm not sure. So then we had to drive to get Mariah's jacket from her friends house which wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't get maybe 10 blocks away from my house and the baby starts crying. I could have left it but then I would have had to listen to it cry all the way there and that would have been awful. Then let Mariah drive and I drive a stick shift which she knows how to do but it's been six months since she's driven a manual transmission. So there I am crammed into my tiny small back seat trying to change the baby's diaper, feed her and then burp her. Oh and I can't see anything not because it's dark out but because the lights that are positioned in my car don't really work for people in the back seat. It wouldn't have been so bad if I could have seen what I was doing or had more room but I kept losing all the essentials like the baby bottle and diaper and the baby book log. As soon as we pulled up to the driveway baby needed a burp. Which lead to the head not being supported and the worst cry a baby could make. The irony here is that the whole time the baby was quiet and sleeping durning 6-10 I wanted it to cry and then when the time came for when baby needed to be non existent it wasn't. Wish my luck because I have 8 more hours of this and who knows what will happen.

24 Hour Mother

I got (finally) got my robot baby today. It turned on at 4pm and didn't wake up until 640 because then it needed to eat. After that a burp and of course then a diaper change. The baby itself is actually pretty heavy for me anyway... It's asleep again now, who know when it will wake up but I'm sure I'll be woken up in the middle of the night. Keep you posted!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Too Tired

I feel as if my week has been pretty eventful and that Friday should come quickly. I'm tired and need to sleep.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Comics About 1984

my favorite one is the facebook one!

Trying to Update the Blog

I'm trying to update my blog and make it appealing and fun to read. Debating whether or not if I should add a reactions to my blog posts (like, funny, sad, wtf?) or to change the back ground and layout of the blog. I need my readers opinions, (and I know I have readers, I check my stats) so help me out and comment if you have any ideas.

Day Fourteen

Day 14 A hero that has let you down. (letter)
I can`t think of a hero who has let me down because I only have had one hero, my Mom. My Mom has never let me down and I love her to death. Instead of a hero, I`ll replace it with a friend who has let me down.

Dear Friend,

        You were always supposed to be there for me and you never were. You left me behind and forgot about who I am and why we were friends. You exchanged me for a dick of a boyfriend who never deserved you and made you think you weren`t worth it either. What you`ve done to me I`ll never forget and if we do ever become good friends again I probably won`t let it go. Because people that I don`t talk to anymore and I mean never still have my back and let me know that they`re always there for me regardless of what happened. Even the times when were friends, when I was upset and needed a shoulder to cry on and be given some advice to cheer me up you always turned it into something about you. When I gave you an arm to pull you up when you were down, you never thanked me in fact you insulted me. I feel like you honestly don`t care what happens to me now or you`re some great actress. I hope you find what you`re looking for and end up being happy, too bad you don`t wish the same for me.

Sincerley, your once best friend.

Remember Me?

Hey I'm supposed to be taking on the role of a mother for 24 hours today looking after a child, Right?. No wrong due to two facts.
  1. Girl named K.S took a baby yesterday and didn't come to school, or even have the baby dropped off. apperently her baby didn't even turn on yesterday so it was a waste, but you think if your baby was to turn on at noon and it hadn't turned on yet by 3 you would think something is up and bring it back. Oh and did I mention that I also am doing a group project with her and gave her the most important thing to type up and do BUT she didn't come. Normally there are 5 babies but thanks to her today there are only 4. So I would like to thank you K.S for being a completely useless sack of shit.
  2. Another idiot who was once my bestest friend in the whole wide world but is now an untrustable trying to get sober druggy. We both requested for the baby on friday to take it on tuesday, but because she is an unrealiable person who NEVER comes to class and when she does tells the teacher her entire life story gets to have the proirty of having the baby regardless of the 5 other people who signed up. Meaning that 2 people have to get cut from the list because of these idiots. Now I have to take the baby on thursday which wouldn`t be a problem if I didn`t have a chem test that day and knowing our teacher he`ll fuck up and while I`m doing the hardest question on the exam the baby will start crying. So again thank you fuck ups of the world for making my life so much harder than it has to be.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Manic Monday

Just another manic Monday, I wish it was Sunday.
this is exactly what I think every monday morning.

Day Thirteen

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Dear Death Cab for Cutie,

       Thank you for always calming me down when I was at my most frantic crying moments. Your music has always been an inspiration to me and never lets me down. I'll always remember the one time I saw you in concert and I knew that I could die happy because I had seen my favorite band. Even when I go months without listening to any of your songs, once I do it's like I never stopped.

Love Aylagator

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day Twelve

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

  • my feet
  • my house
  • my teeth
I'm sure I could list off a million other things but I won't waste your time, not that your not already wasting your time reading this..

Am I the Only One?

If you were to live a day in my life I'm sure you would ask "how do you do it?" Not because my life is unrealistically hard but because your not sure how I'm not crazy.

I feel like living my house sometimes is like survival of the fitest. If there is any food in the house that you love (froot loops, home made buns, pineapple, etc.) you have got to literally FIGHT to eat it. My dad bought a jumbo family size box of froot loops two days ago and it's already half empty or less and I've only had 3 bowls. I love my family, I really do somedays it's just harder than others. I just wonder does anybody else have these same problems? Like the 2 hour wait for the shower not because someone is in it but because you're waiting for hot water. Or the constant empty toilet paper roll with a new toilet paper roll on the counter not on the holder (is it seriosuly that hard to change it?).

I think if I were ever to move out the only person that I could actually stand being my room mate would be Brittany. She always changes the toilet paper roll and is considerate of others. Brittany cleans up after herself, I could rely on her to pay rent and I don't think she would push me to the ledge of insanity. (Sorry to any other friends of mine who read this, it's not that I don't want to be room mates but I just haven't considered you).
I just needed to rant, thanks for reading.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day Eleven

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

I don't want to seem cocky or full of myself but I think I get the most compliments on my hair (when I actually do it) or my eyes. My eyes are my favorite part of my body and the days I get compliments on my hair are usually the days I feel most self conscious about it. So thanks to all those that read this and compliment me :)

Friday, April 1, 2011


April Fools Day

For April fools day, our school decided to have a giant water fight in the middle of the commons. But of course the teachers found out and were watching every door. Luckily it still happened it just was moved outside to student parking lot. I didn't participate because I'm a scardy cat but it was definitely the most interesting break I've had in all of my high school years.

Day Ten

Day 10 Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

There are some people that I wish I didn't know, most of them people I've met in high school. I guess everything happens for a reason but I know there were people I could have gone my whole life without knowing.